Month: October 2023

How to be a great Primeminister.

To be a great prime minister of New Zealand comes with great responsibility.  Leading the country comes with great respect for the people and having strength.  Today I will be talking about, raising the minimum wage, lowering food prices and making public health care free. 

                     Raising the minimum wage    

Since New Zealand had an election and got to vote what they want best for our country most of the votes went into National.Since National won New zealand is starting to get paid less money. A lot of workers do not get paid as much money as their jobs are worth. No matter how hard the work you only get paid 18 dollars per hour which is a very little amount of money to get paid. Raising the minimum wage would be a marvellous thing because parents having to work day and night just to get paid a small amount of money is a waste of time just working for a small amount of money that you can barely pay your bills with.

                                Lowering food prices

Lowering food prices would be very helpful to the communities and families that are currently struggling with money.  Lowering food prices would be an opportunity for other families to feed their kids and put dinner on their table. This could really change peoples lives and the way they are living in many ways. Thinking of this, nowadays food prices have been going up to the point that families can’t afford food for their kids or even own up to them and buy them things that they are needing.

                            Making public health care free

Making public health care free could really help those that are in need of it. This could really be a helpful hand to kids that could be diagnosed with a really harmful sickness.This can also help elders that are in need of service or a helping hand of an assistant to help them around the house due to whatever sickness they are diagnosed with. Making health care free would make a big change in other people’s lives and can be an opportunity for them to be a healthy person again . 

How to be a good son/daughter

Being a good son/daughter comes in many ways.  Coming back from school and helping your siblings can take less stress off your parents.  Today I will be talking about, cleaning, doing things without being told and making your parents proud.


Cleaning the house is a good opportunity for you to help your parents have a little break from cleaning around the house. You can help clean the house by doing the dishes in the kitchen,cleaning the living room, making your bed and much more.It also would show your parents how responsible you can be around the house and how you are a good influence towards your younger siblings. By cleaning you can clean your room by making your bed, organising your clothes, cleaning the windows,vacuuming your bedroom and much more .


Making your parents proud can lead to trust and happiness from your parents . You can make your parents proud by being good in school, listening to your parents, doing things you are told and more . You can make your parents proud by being good in school meaning doing your work and do what you are told by the teacher, and trying your best to achieve a good grade. You can make your parents proud by pushing yourself to pursue new challenges and trying your hardest .


Doing things without being told is a good opportunity to show your parents how capable you are. You can do many things without being told such as cleaning,Helping others, Doing service and much more. For service you can help your neighbour with gardening helping around the house and doing some house work for them. You can help others by taking care of their kids with love,helping to cook. No matter what you do your parents will always be proud of you.